Join Donna Ferris in her podcast Bounce Back Stronger as she sits down with Stephen to discuss why 80% of visitors at the Kripalu Center say the reason they visit is to “come home to myself.”

From Donna Ferris’s introduction:

“Stephen’s teachings have profoundly impacted countless lives, including mine. From his books The Wisdom of Yoga to The Great Work of Your Life, Stephen’s unique talent lies in seamlessly blending ancient wisdom with contemporary psychology, offering deep insights into the human experience.”

“In this honest conversation, Stephen shares his journey to Kripalu and current challenges — and he dives into his latest book, The Dharma In Difficult Times. He offers invaluable wisdom on how yoga and meditation can guide us through life’s difficulties—helping us find ourselves and fostering clarity and resilience along the way.”

“This conversation meant so much to me personally, and I hope it is helpful to you, too. It is a true gift when someone you’ve admired from afar is everything you hoped for and more.”